The Augmented Reality Spring Hunt

Apr 01, 2022 - Apr 30, 2022

Spring is here! Explore the streets of Downtown Oakville on an Augmented Reality spring scavenger hunt to collect 5 characters hiding at secret locations throughout Downtown for your chance to win $1000 to spend Downtown. This unforgettable  experience is guaranteed fun for all ages. To start your adventure visit scan the QR code on display at the various sidewalk decals Downtown. You can also visit 

How to Play

- Use your camera to scan the QR code to begin your adventure, and follow the prompts to begin.

- Use the map to identify the 5 points on the map.

- Once you have arrived at a location, begin to look for a sign or window decal with a magnifying glass and QR code.

- Tap your phone to enable your camera and match the QR code on your phone to the QR code on the sign.

- Tap the ground and raise your phone to see the characters come to life.

- You can walk around the characters, lift up your hand to hold them and post for photos - don't forget to tag them on social using #dtoakville.

- Once you have completed the task at each location a green check mark on the map will indicate the character has been found.

- Collect all characters to enter for your chance to win the $1000 cash prize.

Quick Tips for a Seamless Adventure

- Ensure that your phone is well-charged and not on low power mode.

- Be sure to enable the camera and gps access for your browser.

- Private Browsing mode is not recommended.

-  You can complete the hunt across multiple visits or collect all at once. There is no time to complete the hunt within.

- If you have completed the Hunt and would like to tryi it all over again be sure to clear your cache.

Compatible on iPhone 8 and newer, and Android Phones from 2016 or newer.  Please ensure your device OS is up to date.

For more information about the Augmented Reality Spring Hunt, visit